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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wiko Lenny dead after flash USB NOT WORKING 1000% DONE

this is really strange and the first time I get this kind of errors using cm2mtk

I got the phone stuck at wiko Logo.
Did factory reset with cm2mtk and problem continued.
I flashed the phone with a firmware I have read from other working phone in scatter format.

This is a routine procedure which we make every day,

after flashing the phone, the set is dead for good, no more detection via USB, nor pressing any button while connecting, with or without battery doesnt matter.

no response to charger, no signal of life at all.

I used this firmware: MT6572__WIKO__LENNY__s5201ap__4.4.2__ALPS.KK1.MP7. V1

is there any way to revive this via atestpoint or something ?

Flashing Log 1000% WORKING JUST IMAG DOWNLOD AND CALL ME NOW +8801725504966

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